Saturday, August 23, 2008

"Runner's High": Feeling Low

Sometimes you start too early.

Sometimes you finish too late.

Sometimes you allow yourself to become burnt out in almost every aspect of your life.

Sometimes your heart calls you far, far away with so loud and distracting a voice that you can't concentrate on anything around you.

Sometimes you get hurt. Injured. Taken out.

Sometimes life derails your plans, then pushes you down and takes your milk money for good measure.

Know what? Sometimes everything sucks. You don't finish races (or don't get to start them, because they're canceled or sold out). You can't work out because of some stupid, bullshit, recurring injury. You get confused about why you even bother. You wonder whether you really love swimming, biking, running, or any combination of physical activities. You think maybe it's just become habit (or it's your job).

Sometimes the next step forward is too difficult to think about, too much to bear, too big to take.

I'm not sure I'm ready for inspiration, yet. Because sometimes you need to walk it out, go inside, figure out whether or not you really have the grit to finish a long run. A 5k. An Ironman. Whatever it may be.

The grit's in there, though. Just need to find it.

1 comment:

  1. You're awesome, so don't ever doubt it! It sounds like you know where you keep your internal grit, though; you're just waitin' to break out a big can of whoop-*ss. :)

    Ooh! You must keep it near your incredible resolve (read: not killing the guy that basically ran you over. Not kicking his probablysuperlazy butt? Priceless, and beyond my patience-ness.)

